Happy New Year, Reader!

If one of your resolutions for the new year is to travel more…

This email’s for you.

Did you know that nearly half of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only around a quarter of them actually stay committed in the first 30 days?

According to Columbia University, even fewer actually accomplish their goals by the end of the year… Less than 10%!

So let’s make sure that your 2025 travel resolutions stay within reach.

Pick 3 places that you would love to visit this year, whether they’re somewhere in the US or abroad.

Jot them down on a piece of paper or in your journal.

Think about rough timeframes for when you’d ideally like to visit.

And commit to taking those trips!

Of the 3, which one would you prioritize?

And if you could go full send without any budgetary constraints, what would you do to make that trip feel like a once-in-a-lifetime event that brings you endless joy?

So for example…

  • If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Italy, wouldn’t it be wild if you flew there in first class… and even managed to shower at 35,000 feet in the air? (Spoiler alert: Been there, done that, 10/10 would recommend!)
  • If you’re thinking of visiting Japan, wouldn’t it be nice to have your hotel room upgraded to a much more spacious suite with panoramic views of Tokyo and a snow-peaked Mount Fuji?
  • If Hawaii’s next on your bucket-list, maybe you can turn it into a surprise trip of a loved’s birthday, and even bring them along for free as your gift to them…

Some of these may sound like a pipe dream.

(After all, first class tickets to Italy retail for upwards of $10,000, and it’s hard to justifying dropping that amount of money on a single flight guilt-free…)

But there is a way that you can make these trips happen.

And there’s a way that you can elevate the way you travel without dropping tens of thousands of dollars on a single trip, nor compromising on your investment goals for this year.

So instead of bending over backwards to make your trips fit a certain budget…

You can turn your those vacation into luxury trips, and book them at a 95%+ discount compared to their full retail cost.

All you have to do is figure out how to maximize the value of your points.

And that’s what we’re here for you as a resource!

Because you went through all the extra effort to join our Academy launch wait-list, we wanted to give you a chance to still join at a steep discount this week…

While your travel resolutions are still hot on your mind!

During the first 10 days of 2025, you can save $300 on your Points and Miles Academy enrollment by applying the discount code newyear

Remember: less than 25% of people who make New Year’s resolution will remain committed to them in the first 30 days of 2025.

By enrolling in the Points and Miles, you are committing to making your own dreams come true.

And we are committing to helping you book that bucket-list trip… Over and over again, year after year. Starting with your 2025 New Year’s travel resolutions!

Join today, and go through the Academy’s lessons during this week or over the next 2 weeks or over the next month.

Pace yourself however you want to, but make it your goal to complete all the modules by the end of January 2025.

If you commit to doing that, you’ll be able to turn at least 1 of your 3 vacations this year into a luxury trip for less than the cost of a budget vacation.

And you’ll be part of the 10% that actually follows through on their new year’s resolution.

If for some reason 30 days from now you’ve completed the Academy but you still can’t make it happen…

If you still feel like you don’t know where to start…

If you still feel like you just don’t get how “the points thing” works…

We’ll give you a full refund.

That’s how confident we are that you’ll find value in our Academy!

Our students’ average return on investment is $10,000 within 4 months of enrollment.

And this week, you can join for only $597.

PS: You can only save $300 until January 10 at noon EST!

PSPS: This offer is available only to you as a member of our waitlist. The 170,000 people that follow us across different social media platforms but aren’t part of the waitlist? They don’t have access to this new year’s sale. But if you know someone who can benefit from it – feel free to share the discount code and invite them to enroll here for $300 off using the code “newyear”.

Cheers to 2025!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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